I wrote a C++ plugin to streamline the saving and loading process in Unreal Engine


  • Proficiency with C++ and object-oriented programming
  • Ability to build, refine, and support tools to facilitate content iteration
  • Ability to write clean, maintainable, and extensible code
  • Strong problem-solving abilities and a keen eye for detail
  • Blueprint function library with 80 functions accessible from any blueprint, including widgets
  • Functions designed for simplicity with less complexity in each function, giving developers more control
    • Save entire arrays and structs, or store values individually
    • Easily retrieve stored data with less input
  • SaveGameEvents interface for ease of use and more control of the saving and loading process
    • Event PreSave
    • Event PreLoad
    • Event PostSave
    • Event PostLoad
    • Event OnActorsSpawned
    • Event OnNewSaveCreated
  • Project Settings entry allows you to customize how the plugin works
  • The system is fully accessible in C++ and can be extended as needed
  • 55 copies sold on the Unreal Marketplace as of 05/24/2024