First-Person Rogue-lite RPG - Built in Unreal Engine 4.27


  • Strong 3D math skills and procedural content generation
  • Strong analytical abilities with creative problem-solving skills, excelling in thinking innovatively and finding unique solutions
  • Experience with source/revision control systems such as Perforce and Git
  • A genuine passion for playing and creating games

Here is a gif of different layouts created by the Dungeon Generator. The dungeon has different parameters to control how it gets generated, such as minimum and maximum room size.


My work:

  • Created a Procedural Dungeon Generator utilizing Binary Spatial Partitioning
  • Generated the contents of each dungeon room using a Grammar generator with Data Tables
  • Global loot system implemented with Data Tables and weighted randoms
  • Custom built UI, Stats, Inventory, Combat, and Spell systems
  • Utilizes Expanded Save Game Library plugin I created for Unreal Engine
  • Designed, implemented, and debugged scalable systems through prototyping and iterative development

Gameplay loop:

  • The class you choose decides your starting equipment, then you decide how your character progresses for the rest of the game.
  • Kill monsters for items and experience: leveling up gives you stat points, allowing you to use better items and learn stronger spells. Magic items increase your stats.
  • Explore the endless dungeon: find and kill the dungeon boss for the key to the next level, and see how far you can go. There is no limit to the number of dungeon levels.

Design Pillars:

  • Retro - The feel of games like Might & Magic IV and Legend of Grimrock
  • Bring the Fantasy to Life
  • Keep it Simple
  • Stat-based progression


  • Might & Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen
  • Diablo 2
  • Dark Souls series
  • Legend of Grimrock
  • World of Warcraft
  • Skyrim
  • Borderlands